Here we are again ladies and gentleman sorry for the wait but wifi isn’t free (; ANYWAYS I hope everyone is safe & sound and staying at home seriously, don’t be the idiot who causes more spreading of this b.s we have to go through, k thanks.
- This week’s blog is gonna be a little different, it’s based off of Kari Norgaard and Richard York’s article about Gender equality and state environmentalism. Before diving in let me just say that women deserve to be in politics, and not only do they deserve to be in politics but they deserve to be heads. To lead, and to show true power. Here’s the link to the article PLEASE click and follow along as I go:
So we start off with a question:
“Does the degree of gender equality in the political realm within a nation have an impact on state environmental policy?” (507). Of course I have to state that you can’t have a political environment filled with just one gender. It’s crazy to even think that. Women and men react to things differently and women definitely relate to nature more. It’s even said through research that women show more support for the environment than men. York states “This research indicates that women are more likely than men to express support for environmental protection and that women consider a variety of environmental risks, from nuclear power to toxic substances, to be more serious than do men”(508). This reminds me of our women/nature association blog. How many time’s am I going to tell you guy’s women just make more sense when it comes to nature. Men are associated with ‘going hunting’ especially in childrens disney/pixar movies while women are described as ‘singing to nature’ in Disney movies. In general women are labeled as more nurturing than men and when it comes from an eco-feminist perspective I do believe that woman do care for nature more than men, but only because of all the comparisons they have with one another. You can refer back to our blog that compares animals to women. I use the disney example to give you how it’s been from the beginning of time, and through our society. Showing how important it is to the point it can take over a children’s movie to push the agenda that women are closer to the environment than men. Norgaard and York discovered that “girls had higher levels of environmental awareness than boys; in Australia, girls exhibited greater environmental responsibility than did boys when socioeconomic levels were held constant” (509). Implementing that they can “consider the percentage of women in Parliament as a key indicator of a nation’s gender politics”(511).
While researching this more I found two more articles that support this notion and what it’s saying. One being Gender Differences in Environmental Concern: Revisiting the Institutional Trust Hypothesis in the USA by Chenyang Xiao and Aaron M. McCright.
In their article they learn research indicates that “..environmental concern has consistently found that women have modestly stronger pro-environmental values, beliefs, and attitudes than do men.”(17) Implementing that with women being consistent with their relationship towards the environment they would be of great help help when it comes to the states environmental beliefs. My second article is Bread and Roses: A Gender Perspective on Environmental Justice and Public Health by Karen Bell, which argues that women who make a lower income than men are “perceived as having less social status than their male counterparts as a result of entwined and entrenched capitalist and patriarchal processes.” She also agrees that when it comes to the environment women should be in attendance when she proposes “that environmental justice research, teaching, policy and practice should be made more gender aware and feminist orientated.”
Thanks for checking the blog out, please remember to stay safe & stay home #SSSH. Please bare with this blog it was all done off my phone, I’ve been laid off because of everything that’s going on so my wifi hasn’t been paid but fortunately my dad’s going to lend me $ tomorrow so hopefully your favorite gossip girl will have a better blog in the future, xoxo GOSSIP GIRL!