As I have stated in my blogs before, we as humans have reversed the role of nature, placings humans at the top. The last time I checked, humans inhabited the earth, not the other way around.
Society as we know has pretty much grouped up every group there can possibly be, only to maintain control of course. “Intersectionality is a way of thinking about how our social identities intersect.. Intersectionality is a concept that helps us think about the ways that a person might be oppressed in one category, and be privileged in another.” The social identities that society has created further connect us to nature. This concept offers the idea that if you are first somewhere you are last somewhere else.
If only we as humans would understand our role on this earth.
The survival of the species necessitates a renewed understanding of our relationship to nature, of our own bodily nature and of nonhuman nature around us; it necessitates a challenging of the nature-culture dualism and a corresponding radical restructuring of human society according to feminist and ecological principles. Adrienne Rich says, “When we. speak of transformation we speak more accurately out of the vision of a process which will leave neither surfaces nor depths unchanged, which enters society at the most essential level of the subjugation of women and nature by men…” (470-471).
To accomplish this idea feminists present on their behalf, it is suggested that there needs to be a reconstruction of human society. I could not help but relate this concept of intersectionality to the times we are currently in. I believe that this pandemic is due to an uncontrolled forced elevation of the human species. Instead of adapting to our surroundings, humans have created their own surrounding: landscape, buildings, etc. The same way we maintain the homes we live in,we should be maintaining the earth in which we inhabit. It is the same idea that ecofeminists fight for.
It has been 21 centuries and we still have been fighting the same fights. We have created groups within groups(social identities) : males against females, heterosexuals against homosexuas, young against old, rich against poor, black against white, religion against religion. The argument that intersectional feminists are trying to prove is that you may want to get rid of feminism, but in modern day there are many social identities that will still remain an issue to feminists. When Crenshaw introduced the intersectionality idea, it gave feminist a bigger responsiblity to protect against discriminiation of all kinds. Sexism does not only cover male and female, it now involves those who may not identify as male or female, or maybe those who identify as homosexual and not the societal heterosexual way. It is just inevitable to argue against a feminist at this pount because the history of women root deeper than a physical connect, it is more like a NATURAL connection.
The ecofeminist intersectionality theory shows that even within these many identities, everything connects itself to our purpose for living on this earth. “When we look at social injustice through an intersectional framework, it means that ending sexism will never be complete unless we also end racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, etc. as they are deeply connected to sexism.” Women have always had a connection with nature, which is why we fight so hard to protect it. At the rate human society is going, as privileged, nature and earth as we know it is being categorized as underprivileged.