Fish are friends, not food -Finding Nemo, May 30 2003

















Here’s a quick story. I was a vegetarian from 6th grade to 10th grade, unfortunately I ended up getting sick because I wasn’t growing at the right pace and I guess I wasn’t getting all the nutrients I was supposed to get. It’s weird because once I started eating meat again I stopped losing as much energy and I gained so much weight. I tried again for a year from 2017-2018 but one day I just stopped I don’t remember why.




So my Professor posted this picture up and asked my class to tell her why she chose this image, after doing some research I’ve come to the conclusion that this picture was chosen because of the fact there is already a knife stuck through the meat with a little human. For some reason the little human didn’t have a gender at all so I knew it stood for all humans and to me it’s “Humans taking a big bite of something they can’t finish”, this image was chosen to shower dominance when it comes to humans and animals.



Whenever you eat a Banana what do you think about? For me I don’t really think about anything but there was a point in life where I refused to eat Bananas. There’s like this secret in society that everyone know’s about so maybe it’s not much of a secret but maybe a social construct. Men don’t eat Bananas because they remind them of Penis’s and it’s quite funny they believe Bananas are for women because women like penis but what about lesbians? Lol.. awkward. Have you linked why I stopped eating Bananas yet? 😉 Another food item I refuse to eat is hotdogs, EXACTLY THE SAME REASON AS BANANAS! A lot of food that are shaped like a penis are always said to be a women food group.  Lollipops too anything that involves women using their mouths in a way thats related to oral sex is always pointed out as a female food.


I snatched this quote from Greta Gaard:

“To be a pet is to have all one’s life decisions controlled by someone else: when and what to eat, how to act, whom to socialize with, whether or not to reproduce if the situation were offered to humans we’d call it slavery.” 


It’s crazy that whenever it comes to humans their lives are valued but you don’t see the same thing when it comes to animals. Later in her article Gaard states that usually men are partnered up with pets that help them become more dominant such as when hunting or when shepherding. Dog’s have been basically labels as “Mans best friend”. That has been the relationship thats been set for years upon years.


In another article by Deane Curtin he states:

“There are important connections through food between the oppression of women and the oppression of nonhuman animals. Typical of the wealth of evidence she presents are the following: the connection of women and animals through pornographic representations of women as “meat” ready to be carved up”

while reading this quote it reminded me of this picture I found on Pinterest last year in April:

Which I found quite hilarious because not only does it represent meat, but they had a woman but not just any woman they had Pamela Anderson a porn star whom is used to pleasure heterosexual men. So it was weird that Peta would do this to symbolize going vegetarian BUT to use a women thats used as a sexual product to lure men, was it used to show the true connection between women and animals? OR was it another tactic to use this women the SAME way humans use animals as a way to pull men in.


Below are some more advertisements that label women and animals as equal and these ad’s are used to lure men in:


2 thoughts on “Fish are friends, not food -Finding Nemo, May 30 2003

  1. Melany,

    I always enjoy how authentic you are in your blogs. It’s quite refreshing. I just wanted to add to the conversation about gendered foods. When I was in middle school, I remember eating a banana in the cafeteria- it came with the lunch provided by the school. I remember sitting by class, in a room full of fluctuating hormones and idiocy, and peeling my banana. I didn’t feel the eyes at first, but once I looked up, I met eyes with this boy named Jeffery and he had this annoying smirk on his face. I remember that story clearly because after then I was embarrassed to eat bananas in a crowd. And it was so devastating because I LOVE BANANAS. They’re literally one of my favorite foods (I make this banana pudding dish and its SO BOMB.) The social constructs that evolve throughout generations are hard to escape from, especially as a child. I would love for these classes to be held in our younger years, imagine how much we could’ve benefited from this information! Curtin mentioned how gendered foods could be linked to the oppression of women but even boys were nervous to eat bananas because of its social association. Looking back now, it’s so silly.

    everything in love,
    Cece X

  2. In your blogs you I love how deep you get into the topic. But growing up, kids always referenced any food with anything sexual. Like the example you gave about bananas. The was a common one that I had heard when I was little. Its crazy what kids imagine at that age. Because there are so many sexual references towards certain food, boys typically won’t eat it because of the association it has with it.

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